Nat gas price futures
And in Asia, where underdeveloped infrastructure means LNG is a key source of natural gas, our JKM LNG futures contract has become the benchmark for pricing across the region. Receive the monthly natural gas report Nat-gas prices this morning are moving higher on short-covering sparked by expectations that the plunge in oil prices this week to a 4-year low will reduce shale drilling and natural gas extraction. Some U.S. nat-gas is extracted as a byproduct of crude drilling in the Permian Basin and New Mexico, the biggest shale drilling areas in the United States. Description. Natural Gas Forward Curve chart shows the price (end of day closing price or the latest price at the time of an update) of 25 natural gas back-month contracts (NYMEX Henry Hub).The chart also shows the latest price of the front month contract.. A front month contract (also referred to as "the prompt month contract" or simply "the prompt") is a futures contract with an expiration